rotor2000 ® 31-Мар-2019 01:57
I'd like to ask you for advice of the most useful/must have books for anybody thinking of future ocean cruising.
For the time being, I'm sure the list should be open with:
- World Cruising Routes: Jimmy Cornell (recommended as the first book to have any idea what is it about)
- How to Cope with Storms: Dietrich von Haeften (easy and suprisingly practical)
What else would you highly recommend?
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World Cruising Survey : An Overview of Boats, Gear and Life on Board - Jimmy Cornell [2002, PDF &…
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Tips from Jimmy Cornell - Cornell J. [2019, PDF]
Modern Ocean Cruising: Boats, gear and crews surveyed - Jimmy Cornell [1983, PDF]
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The RYA book of buying your first sailing cruiser - Malcolm McKeag [2004, PDF]
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