SerTan ® 06-Янв-2019 05:22

Marine Transportation Management

Year: 1987
Language: english
Author: Marcus H.S.
Genre: Reference book
Publisher: Croom Helm Ltd
ISBN: 0-203-48050-3
Format: PDF
Quality: eBook
Pages count: 247
Description: Changing vessel technology presents a major challenge to shipping manufacturers. A change in vessel design can require major modifications of port facilities, information systems, and marketing techniques. While shippers must be ready to make changes in order to be competitive, they must be careful to choose technology that can be successfully and economically implemented in their market environment.
This volume examines the vessel technology issues that shipping companies are confronting. Case studies are presented for liner shipping, liquid and dry bulk shipping, and the ship-port interface.
The cases, based on actual industry situations, explore management's options with and decisions on essential aspects of changing vessel technology. Specific technologies are described along with their economic, regulatory, and political implications.



Marcus H.S. Marine Transportation Management

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